© whoopeedrifloon |
Created by whoopeedrifloon
Seen 321 times
This Pokémon may appear similar to the common Drifloon, but is actually quite different. It is a fairy type, rather than ghost. It does not have any history of taking children, and (in fact) it tends to stay away from children. It is most commonly seen around early Spring months. It's most defining characteristic is it's love of mischief and pranks, especially by having trainers and other Pokémon sit or step on it, emitting a very embarrassing sound. Rumor has it that it was a favorite among ancient rulers, though this has never been confirmed.
It's most common moves are Aromatic Mist and Gust.
It has no evolution.
It's most common moves are Aromatic Mist and Gust.
It has no evolution.

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