Fakemon Concept Design

The best unofficial Pokemon concept designs!

© pwssd04

Trollobite - Created by pwssd04 Seen 346 times
The Troll Pokemon: This Legendary Bug-Type Pokemon lives near caves, often jumping out at passersby to scare them. It has been noted that their intention is never to kill, just to simply spook an individual, but due to their imposing height, this often simply scares the person away for good. This Pokemon possesses incredible intellect, putting many scientists to shame with its understanding of many sciences, which has led to many technological breakthroughs.

In battle, the spikes on its arms will sharpen, while the rest of its body hardens to a material stronger than tank armor. When people anger Trollobite, it will respond by wildly swinging its arms and won't stop unless the person who has offended it is incapacitated... or challenges it to a debate.

NOTE: Feel free to use this or any other of my drawings or artworks in a game. You can polish it up in a Photoshop app, or use it as is.
The author decided this image can be shared and used freely.
Use it as you prefer, but remember to credit the author!