© pwssd04 |

Created by pwssd04
Seen 363 times
The Tempered Metal Pokemon: This Legendary Pokemon was found in the deepest part of Cornera's border with the ocean. While the Pokemon looks sluggish and clunky, it can move in extreme bursts of speed and can maneuver more easily than any other Steel-type Pokemon. It is able to blast highly pressurized sulfuric steam out of its arms which blinds the opponent and causes chemical burns. Although Challencharge is typically peaceful, it is known to become aggressive near underwater mines, submarines, or any underwater technology. The reason this Pokemon does this is still unknown.
In battle, Challencharge will blast sulfuric steam at their opponent. While the opponent is disoriented, Challencharge will launch a mine from its head that is twice as powerful as a normal depth charge. Once the mine has detonated, Challencharge will walk over to their opponent. If they are still able to fight, Challencharge will blast steam into their opponent's eyes and then retreat. If the opponent can't fight anymore, Challencharge will move the beaten adversary to a nearby beach, and then leave.
Hidden Ability: Tempered
Rock, Normal, Fighting, and all punching moves are 50% less effective.
In battle, Challencharge will blast sulfuric steam at their opponent. While the opponent is disoriented, Challencharge will launch a mine from its head that is twice as powerful as a normal depth charge. Once the mine has detonated, Challencharge will walk over to their opponent. If they are still able to fight, Challencharge will blast steam into their opponent's eyes and then retreat. If the opponent can't fight anymore, Challencharge will move the beaten adversary to a nearby beach, and then leave.
Hidden Ability: Tempered
Rock, Normal, Fighting, and all punching moves are 50% less effective.

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