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Created by cjpatriss
Seen 131 times
Kangrass is a Grass-type Pokemon introduced in Generation X.
It evolves into Kangabox at level 16, which evolves into Boxupial at level 32.
Along with Charcolt and Drizznake, Kangrass is one of the three Indonia starter Pokemon.
Joey Pokemon - Kangrass is reckless and feisty by nature, punching and kicking just about whatever it sees. However, this Pokemon is not fully developed, and it often injures itself with its own reckless nature.
It evolves into Kangabox at level 16, which evolves into Boxupial at level 32.
Along with Charcolt and Drizznake, Kangrass is one of the three Indonia starter Pokemon.
Joey Pokemon - Kangrass is reckless and feisty by nature, punching and kicking just about whatever it sees. However, this Pokemon is not fully developed, and it often injures itself with its own reckless nature.

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