Fakemon Concept Design

I migliori concept design e disegni amatoriali sui Pokemon!

© Alice_Angle

Scrogoyle - Creato da Alice_Angle Visualizzato 410 volte
Scrogoyle is a gargoyle-inspired pokemon that is based on the extinct Entelodontidae. Or what is most commonly referred to as the "Hell Boars" of the Earth. Scrogoyle is the basic evolution of Scorngoyle. Documentation on the specifics On Scorgoyle, and Scorngoyle can be found here:


The document is incomplete as of the moment, with the actual logic of how Scorgoyle and Scorngoyle function still being a WIP. This document includes moveset, typing, stats, ect... on the two pokemon! This includes a whole new ability just for Scrogoyle and its evolution line. Anyone can use the Scrogoyle as long as I am credited for the pokemon, and the artwork. I care more about the artwork, since I personally drew the design for Scrogoyle.
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