Fakemon Concept Design

I migliori concept design e disegni amatoriali sui Pokemon!

© pwssd04

Regibrazier - Creato da pwssd04 Visualizzato 336 volte
The Raging Volcano Pokemon: Regigigas made this Pokemon out of a small portion of Groudons power to help stop erosion in dangerous areas. Unfortunately, Regibrazier had too much aggression to be of any help, so Regigigas simply put it in charge of balancing the world's weather with Regilake. Regibrazier shared a temple with Regilake, where people still worship them to this day.

In battle, the area around Regibrazier becomes so hot, any nearby water is evaporated instantly, and nearby plants are set ablaze. Regibrazier will also attempt to lunge at the enemy in a berserker-like state, not even caring if it is wounded. Regibrazier has been seen to spew lava from its body, but this devastating attack makes Regibrazier quite sluggish. If Regibrazier is defeated, it will retreat to the nearest volcano or bodies of lava and will proceed to heal itself within the depths of the lava.


Special Move: Rage of Vesuvius
Deals 150 physical fire damage and burns the opposing Pokemon. This attack hits all opposing Pokemon on the field. If this attack is used, then Regibrazier loses all positive stat changes and is slowed by 2 points. 10pp, 95 accuracy.


Low Sp. attack, Sp. defense, average hp and defense, high attack, and very high speed.
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