Fakemon Concept Design

I migliori concept design e disegni amatoriali sui Pokemon!

© fartbulb47

Honwocomb - Creato da fartbulb47 Visualizzato 253 volte
The Wood Honey PKMN. (this is my first fakemon i uploaded I USED AN AI TO MAKE A POKEMON I DIDNT MAKE THE IDEA)

HP: 27

ATK: 16

DEF: 42.0 (nice)

SPA: 10

SPD: 35


TOTAL: 150

Height: 2'11"

Weight: 211.69 LBS (nice)

Dex Entry: It likes to help out bee Pokémon, and stores their honey when their hive is full.

Ability: Honey Gather

Ability 2: None

Hidden Ability: None

i fixed up the design from the ai version: https://magma.com/shared/xqNUWPJJl2WM-AO44Fai6A my edited version

https://magma.com/shared/OGWM-Evb0PidPT9kLa1P1g original ai version

i dont know what author means in this context

does it mean the guy who made the image (me)

or the guy who made the concept? (ai)
L'autore ha dato il consenso per il libero utilizzo di questa immagine.
Puoi usarla come meglio credi, a patto di menzionare l'autore originale.