Fakemon Concept Design

I migliori concept design e disegni amatoriali sui Pokemon!

© EvilIce

Carnibell - Creato da EvilIce Visualizzato 536 volte
Everything: Height: 6 Feet. Width: 3 feet. Get Carnibell by leveling up Seebell with a Carnivine in the party. Ability: Psychic Power. Ability use: It is levitate but it also powers up psychic moves and lowers Def. and Sp. Def by 20, Poison Point. Base Stats: Hp: 80, Atk: 10, Df: 90, Sp. Atk: 120, Sp. Def: 90, Spd: 64. Total: 454. Moveset: Bind 1, Growth 1, Agility 1, Absorb 6, Confusion 8, Acid 11, Bite 15, Mega Drain 21, Psybeam 24, Chomp 30, Psychic Fang 36, Poison Fang 36, Fire Fang 36, Thunder Fang 36, Ice Fang 36, Giga Drain 42, Psychic 47, Hyper Fang 51, Sludge Bomb 54, Solar Beam 58, Guillotine 63. Pokedex: This pokemon has a huge appetite and can eat more than a Snorlax, even tho it is said as dangerous it is a vegetarian and does not harm people, Pokemon on the other hand?
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