Fakemon Concept Design

I migliori concept design e disegni amatoriali sui Pokemon!

Old Seebell
© EvilIce

Old Seebell
Old Seebell - Creato da EvilIce Visualizzato 549 volte
Everything: Height: Four Inches. Width: Four Inches. Get Seebel by breeding Carnivine and Victreebel. Evolve: Level up with a Carnivine in the party. Ability: Poison Point, Huge Hone. Ability use: It is Huge Power but powers up special moves. Base stats: Hp: 45, Atk: 45, Df 45, Sp. Atk 45, Sp. Def 45, Spd. 45. Total: 270. Moveset: Mud Slap 1, Bullet Seed 7, Growth 10, Absorb 14, Bulldoze 18, Mega Drain 21, Vine Whip 25, Bounce 31, Leaf Tornado 37, Earthquake 40, Power Whip 46, Rock Slide 53, Yawn 60. Pokedex: This pokemon only likes to rest in the ground with his leaf out to absorb sunlight, if someone steps on there leaf they come out and shout seeds at them from the prolonged mouth, it also sounds like a bell if shaken.
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